This week I cultured and took pictures of some Salmonella Enterica sv Typhimurium. I learned that It is a Gram-negative intracellular pathogen that causes gastroenteritis in humans. Although it is generally non-life-threatening for healthy adults, it can be fatal for children and immunocompromised individuals. The infection progresses through two main stages: invasion and systemic infection. More than 1 million human illnesses result from Salmonella infections each year, with approximately 11% attributed to animal contact. Salmonella Enterica sv Typhimurium “requires intestinal inflammation to sustain its replication in the intestinal tract, uses effector proteins of its type III secretion systems to trigger an inflammatory response without the engagement of innate immune receptors.” Galán, J. E. (2021). Salmonella Typhimurium and inflammation: A pathogen-centric affair. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 19(11), 716-725.