This being my fourth and final semester at Train, it is off to a slow start. as you can see from the picture, I am pet sitting and house sitting for some family friends way out of town for the entire month of February so i will have to do my authentic experience hours online untill i can be in the lab in person in March. I haven't decided on what to study, but I will talk to Josh about that when i set up a meeting hopefully soon. Other than that I am looking forward to this last semester and what it brings, as well as what the future brings when I transfer. This semester I am taking some straightforward classes, the only challenge in my lineup is statistics. I had meant to take it in highschool, but put it off as long as I could. Math used to be my strength in 7th and 8th grade, but after that it didn't get any easier of course. Wish me luck on my math course and I will keep you all updated on how the meeting goes and what I end up deciding to do for my final train project.