Week 2 Blog post

Like I said in my last post, this semester has been off to a slow start. I still don't know what I am doing for my research, but I thought I could do something similar to last semester but with a different plant. Last semester, I studied Datura; maybe this semester, I could find another plant with medicinal properties to extract. Hopefully, it will be more successful this time. I don't think I did the extraction process as well as I could have done last semester. I may have forgotten a step, or I didn't sterilize well enough, or there were no antimicrobial properties to extract. We shall see how it goes this time around. I am still house-sitting far from Phoenix, so I haven't been to campus in a while and probably won't return until February 27th. I was considering nutmeg because I didn't realize until I did some research on it recently that It has medicinal properties, such as alleviating nausea.